NANDTBs exist in other, mostly European countries. The underlying similarity is that each was formed to best suit its local aerospace interests. Accordingly, no one model predominated. Countries like France and Germany have long established aerospace groups while other countries are forming them for the first time. The Australian Board replaces the earlier Australian Aerospace NDT Committee (AANDTC) formed in 1981 and is also structured to best suit local conditions and obtain CASA recognition.
The Board’s Management System and Procedures shown in the publications section of this site, provide a detailed description of the Board’s structure as well as guidelines for the conduct of its business. The aim was to ensure a fair representation of all the Australian Aerospace industry, and its members to have a knowledge and interest in NDT. An emphasis on proportional representation is important for the effective operation of the Board and this is supported by a defined electoral procedure. Employer organisations from any sector of the industry are free to offer nominations for the Board. Appointments are for two year terms and are renewable.
A maximum of fourteen member positions are distributed amongst the aviation sectors as follows:
- Manufacturers – Maximum 3
- Training organisations – Maximum 3
- Major airlines – Maximum 2
- Regional airlines – Maximum 2
- Maintenance and Repair Organisations / NDT service providers – Maximum 3
- General aviation operators – Maximum 2
- Others – 1